Class of 1925
1924 Peroma
Byron Bartow
Philomathean, Orchestra ’24.
Byron B. Bartow
Febuary 3, 1908 – May 13, 1977
Funeral arrangements were pending at Parker Funeral home for Byron B. Bartow, 69, long-time Perry businessman and public official, who died at 7 a.m. Friday at Perry Memorial hospital. Bartow had been in ill health for the past 15 years but continued to be active.
Bartow was born Feb. 3, 1908, to Thomas Charles and Almeda (Bixby) Bartow in Perry and graduated from Perry high school in 1925. He was married July 30, 1939 to Mary McKinney.
He served as undersheriff for the late Sheriff Merl Harman for a time, had been a member of the Noble county excise board, was formerly secretary of the county election board and previously served as a deputy in the county treasurer’s office.
Bartow served as manager of Stillwater Mill in Perry more than 30 years ago and operated a restaurant on the west side of the square for 15 years. Later he operated the Sonic Drive-In.
He was a member of the 101 Ranch band, was in the famous Perry band directed by the late Dr. W. C. Marshall and was drum major for a local American Legion band which gained considerable fame in the state.
Survivors include his wife of the home; three daughters, Mrs. Mike (Arlene) Taylor and Mrs. Iva Burke, both of Fairbanks, Alaska, and Mrs. Clem (Opal) Yockey, Perry; one sister, Miss Mina Bartow, Perry; and seven grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by one granddaughter.
A memorial fund has been established for the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation.