Class of 1955
1955 Maroon Spotlight
Marilyn Moore
Band Queen 52-53, Band Secretary 52-53, Band 53-55, Teen Town Reporter 54-55, Annual Staff 54-55, Business Manager of Annual 54-55, Annual Play 54-55, Class President 5152, Office Staff 53-54, Home Room Secretary 53-54.
1955 Graduation EditionPerry Daily Journal
Marilyn Moore, daughter of Mrs. Hazel Moore, was band secretary in 1953-54. Marilyn was born Oct. 28, 1936, in Perry and received all of her schooling here except for four months when she attended school in Tucson, Ariz. She was a member of the National Honor society, the Teen Town council, and the annual staff this year. During her junior year she was elected homeroom secretary and was Teen Town reporter during her senior year. Marilyn plans to enter college at Oklahoma A. & M. this fall.
Marilyn Elizabeth (Moore) Eby
October 28, 1936 – December 24, 2019
Marilyn Elizabeth Eby of Prescott, Arizona, died on December 24, 2019, at home surrounded by her family. She passed over as beautifully and gracefully as she lived
Born October 28, 1936, in Noble County Oklahoma, she was the daughter of Lloyd Wesley and Hazel Elizabeth Moore. She had happy childhood memories of life on the farm with her two older brothers Donald Lee and Kenneth Wayne and two younger sisters Phyllis and Janice.
Marilyn attended New Hope rural school with her brothers, Perry High School, and Oklahoma A & M Collage. She worked for Oklahoma State University to help Jay earn his degree in forestry. She belonged to Mother’s Club and the First Congregational Church in Prescott. She loved to paint porcelain china and grow roses.
On September 2, 1956, she married Jay W. Eby and to them God gave three children Teresa, Tamie, and Jay. There followed five grand children Noah Bodenhamer, Heather Bodenhamer, Kirsi Eby, Phillip Eby, and Lincoln Eby.