Class of 1914
Wanda Mae (Johnston) Schurkens
September 18, 1895 – March 24, 1946
Mrs. Henry W. Schurkens, 50, died at 4:15 p.m. Sunday at the family residence, 817 Jackson street, after a serious illness of four months.
Rosary will be said at the home at 8 p.m. Monday, and final rites have been set for 10 a.m. Tuesday at the St. Rose of Lima Catholic church. Rev. Paul V. Brown will conduct last services, and burial will be in Catholic cemetery.
Born September 18, 1895, in Perry, she was married here on June 27, 1922. She was a member of the local Catholic church and of the Home Culture club.
Survivors in addition to the widower are a daughter, Phyllis, of the home address; the father, W. E. Johnston of Perry; and a brother, Leslie J. Johnston, of Hays, Kan. A son, Jack preceded the mother in death.