Dr. James Gordon Sewell

Class of 1952

1952 Maroon SpotlightJimmy Sewell
Jimmy Sewell

Football 48-52, Basketball 50-52, Perryscope Staff 51-52, Junior Play 50-51, Teen Town Council 51-52, Class Assemblies 48-52, Home Room President 48-49; 50-51, Glee Club 51-52.

1952 Graduation Edition
Perry Daily Journal

Enrollment at Oklahoma A. & M. college is the future plan of Jimmy Sewell, 16, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sewell, route one, Perry. Jimmy was born in Perry Aug. 16, 1935, and has received all his secondary education here. He has been a member of Teen Town council for the past year and played football, basketball, and baseball. Jimmy was also in his junior class play.

Dr. James Gordon Sewell

August 16, 1935 – December 17, 2021

Dr. James (Jim) Gordon Sewell was born on August 16, 1935, to Joe and Elva Sewell on the homestead northeast of Perry, OK, and passed from this earth at the age of 86 on December 17, 2021.

He attended the Rose Hill country school as a young boy and graduated from Perry High School in 1952 at the age of 16. He played on the football, basketball, and baseball teams, and attended the First Presbyterian Church of Perry.

After completion of high school, he attended Oklahoma A&M and completed his B.S. degree in Pre-Vet studies in 1956. He completed and graduated from the veterinary medicine program and received his DVM as a participant of the first class of the newly named Oklahoma State University veterinary college in 1958. Between these two graduations he married Nevalee Freese of Perry, OK, on August 25, 1957.

Upon graduation in June 1958, Jim started his vet practice at Veterinary Corner in Guthrie, OK, where he continued to practice medicine for 59 years until his retirement in 2017. He also found time to operate a successful cow/calf operation where he raised registered red Angus cattle on their farm northeast of Guthrie.

During his 63 years residing in Guthrie, he diligently served the Guthrie school system for 21 years as a school board member and oversaw several building and expansion projects. Jim’s favorite pastimes included thousands of rounds of golf with his sons, grandsons and many friends, the yearly October pheasant hunting trip to South Dakota and the annual trout fishing trip to the Gulf. Their favorite trip as a couple was the summer golf trips to the cool mountains near Pendaries, NM. Jim was a die-hard season ticket holder and posse member for his beloved OSU athletic programs.

He was preceded in death by his brother Richard of Newkirk and is survived by his brothers Joe and David of Perry, wife Nevalee, their sons Bryan and his wife Donna of Edmond, and Evan of Olathe, KS. He is also survived by his grandson Andrew and his wife Kristen of Fort Worth, TX, by his grandson Matthew and his wife Hayley of Oklahoma City. and by his great-grandson, Carter Bryan of Fort Worth.

Graveside services will occur at 1:30 P.M. at Summit View Cemetery in Guthrie on December 29, 2021. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Guthrie Animal Shelter.