
Your support not only makes a difference in shaping the lives of Perry High School graduates through scholarships, your donations allow us to perform all the tasks necessary to keep the Perry High School Alumni Association, Inc. alive! As an incorporated non-profit organization, we are dependent on you for funding. We hope you will remember your Association with a donation at any time, at year’s end, or as a memorial.

Please use the link to the right to give online, using your credit card or PayPal account. You have the opportunity to give directly to scholarships or to our operations that cover rent, utilities, and office expenses. If you would like to honor someone with a gift in their name or a memorial, you can name them on the checkout form!

Other Ways to Give

  • Feel free to mail your tax-deductible donation to:
    Perry High School Alumni Assoc., Inc. P. O. Box 327, Perry, OK 73077
  • Memorial gifts ensure a person’s legacy will endure. The Perry High School Alumni Association, Inc. is honored to help families and friends remember their classmates and loved ones through donations to scholarships. The Association will provide the family of the individual being honored with a list of contributors.
  • Many Alumni Association donors are employed by companies that encourage donations to higher education. Donors who wish to support the Association can provide more substantial support with the assistance of a matching gift company. Contact your company’s matching gift administrator, human resources department, or public relations office. They will provide information about gift matching and instructions to complete the process.
  • You may also consider creating a personal legacy by designating the Perry High School Alumni Association, Inc. in your will, living trust or other estate plan document. Your will can be a final message reflecting your personal life values, a way of leaving a lasting legacy by which others may remember you. Bequests can be made by preparing a new will or adding a codicil to your present will with the advice of your attorney and other advisors.





Additional information


$1, $10, $25, $50, $75, $100, $150, $200, $250, $500, $1000


Operations, Scholarships, Honor Roll