Class of 1904
Mabel Catherine Dague
September 13, 1884 – September 27, 1970
September 13, 1884 – September 27, 1970
Graveside service will be at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at Grace Hill cemetery for Miss Mabel Catherine Dague, Oklahoma City, formerly of Perry, who died Sunday, September 27, 1970, in Oklahoma City.
Funeral service will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Guardian funeral home, Oklahoma City. Newton funeral home will have charge of local arrangements.
Miss Dague came to Perry with her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. David N. Dague in 1894. She graduated from Perry high school and taught school in Perry for two years. She received a degree from Oklahoma City university and attended college at Berkeley, Calif., and the University of Oklahoma. She also taught school near the 101 Ranch.
She was a member of the Business and Professional Women’s club, National Retired Teachers association, life member of the Oklahoma Retired Teachers association, life member of the Oklahoma Educational association, American Association of Retired Persons, Blue Velvet organization, and was a charter member of the First Methodist church, Oklahoma City.
She is survived by one brother, Ralph, Denver, Colo., and eight nieces and nephews.