Class of 1917
1917 Peroma 
Florence Kraemer
Carol Club; Class Basket-Ball 13-14; Tann-hauser Club; Nulli Secundi Society; Websterian Club.
“She always does just what she ought—not.”
Florence (Kraemer) Crowder
October 3, 1897 – September 8, 1991
Florence Crowder, 93, 810 Jackson street, died at 11 a.m. Sunday at Perry Memorial hospital.
Funeral will be at 9 a.m. Tuesday at the First Presbyterian church with Rev. Ken Waddell, pastor, officiating. Burial will be at Grace Hill cemetery under direction of Brown Funeral home. The First Presbyterian church has been designated for memorials.
Mrs. Crowder was born at Perry, Oct. 3, 1897. Her parents were Adolph and Lillian Kraemer. She was a 1917 graduate of Perry high school and graduated from Oklahoma A&M in 1921. She was a public school teacher.
She and Dr. Ansel Crowder were married in 1924. Mrs. Crowder was a member of the First Presbyterian church and Marigold unit of Perry Garden clubs and Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. She was a 60-year member of the Progress club.
Survivors include two granddaughters, Mrs. Charles (Debbie) Gilliam, Tulsa, and Mrs. Errol (Denise) Shelton, Norman; a grandson, Rick Dotts, Tulsa; and five great-grandchildren.
In addition to her husband, Mrs. Crowder was preceded in death by her parents and one daughter.